Serves 8
1kg pork shoulder or loin (you can also use chicken)
500g pork ribs
sea salt
ground pepper
For the marinated achiote sauce
5 oranges juice
2 lemon juice
100g achiote paste
2 garlic gloves
½ onion
2tbsp vinegar
1cup water
1 tsp salt
To serve
The following recipes you can also find at my book. Taco Tales
Corn Tortillas
Salsa de chile habanero
Cut the meat into medium sized pieces (it is easier to marinate and they will cook faster) season with salt and pepper and place them in to a large saucepan.
In a blender mix the orange, lemon juice and achiote paste with the rest of ingredients. Pour the sauce in to the meat and add water until is fully cover. Cover the saucepan and bring it to boil turn down the flame (to minimum) and keep cooking until the meat is soft, approx. 1 hr.
If you have time, marinate the meat in a separate bowl and let it rest in the fridge between 3 hours to overnight.